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Instant Quote

Instant Quote v2

Tell us about your agency

Approximate Population Served

Tell us what you need


The number of death records you expect to enter into the Cohero Case Management System. This would include ALL types of death records you want to track, like cases, intakes, investigations, reportable-only, cremation requests, etc. Records are available in blocks of 50. Choose a number of records that is greater than your yearly average and allows enough extra room for growth and unexpected circumstances.
If you need 3500 or more records annually, choose 3500, and we'll contact you for more information.
Users include all staff or volunteers that will require access to the system.
If you need more than 50 users, choose 50, and we'll contact you for more information.

(hidden) Agency Details

(spreadsheet value for county (2021 estimated))
(spreadsheet value based on county)
0 = ok for instant quote, 2 = too large (based on max recs/users)
100=sm, 200=md, 300=lg (agency size based on users entered annual records) | Changed 10/2022 breaks now -1
100=sm, 200=md, 300=lg (based on adj records, used to calculate discounts)
0=no, 1=yes | Change 10/2022 now calc same as pro_avail
0=no, 1=yes
(always available, always 1)


Values here should match the tiered pricing spreadsheet. DO NOT CHANGE THESE NUMBERS EXCEPT TO MATCH THE SPREADSHEET.

(hidden) Subscription Pricing

Subscription pricing for each edition

(hidden) Hosting Pricing

Hosting pricing for each edition


Subscription + hosting with discounts applied

(hidden) Fixed Storage Price

Changed 10/2022 | Now based on adjusted records
Changed 10/2022 | Now based on adjusted records
Changed 10/2022 | Now based on adjusted records

(hidden) TOTAL SUB + HOST + INC (before discount)

(hidden) Custom Storage Price

(hidden) STORAGE TOTAL $$

(hidden) OVERALL TOTAL $$$

Price - discount

Quoted price for Standard Edition

Quoted price for Professional Edition

Quoted price for Enterprise Edition

Quoted price for Standard Edition MONTHLY

Quoted price for Professional Edition MONTHLY

Quoted price for Enterprise Edition MONTHLY
Counter combined to create quote number
auto-generated instant quote number

Tell Us About You

How soon are you planning to go-live?